Tuesday, December 27, 2005

My HoPe FoR ThE CoMiNg DaY...

I'm finally keeping up to my promise to go visit my dear friend...

I know she's currently going through a lot of stuff...things I could never imagine myself facing...
Its the same friend I described previously...

I just really wanna pray that God would give me and the rest of us going to visit her and her family the strength, wisdom and of course love that would touch their hearts and lives... Hopefully, we would be able to touch her mother's heart especially as she's terminally ill... of course my friend and her sis too...

We're all going to visit her and see what we can do for her mum as well as for my friend and her sister.

I really don't know what to expect or do yet...but I know that I wont need to rely on my own strength or worry about anything...coz God would be with me...

All I really wanna do is to be with her..and to let her know that I'm always there for her...and to share with her the God whom I love and has filled my life.
I pray that she would know Him too...so that her seemingly empty life would soon be filled with everlasting joy, love, peace and hope.

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