Thursday, August 17, 2006

BouNTiFuL BLeSSiNGs...

I shall testify in this post that God indeed doesn't just bless us with what we want or need but He blesses us with more than we ask or need. I shall never ever doubt Him no matter what coz He does answer prayers!!

3 months ago I was at a depressing point in my life...everything seemed to fall apart one by one. I got burnt out with serving in church, stressed out for final exam of phase I, found out grandpa had cancer...I felt just sooo very tired bout everything. It was so bad that I wanted to give up even before sitting for my exams. I thought things could never get better coz everything started to overwhelm me in everyway...physically, mentally and spiritually. All I did then was ask God, "Please show me Your lighted path laid for me to me a way out or a light through all these darkeness. Grant me the assurance that things will get better and not worse anymore."

And well...3 months have gone very quickly and I still cant believe how fast time whoooshes pass...I'm graduating from 1st phase of med school this Sat. I had the time of my life with my friends with trips to Genting, Penang and the best...Redang Island!! Plus a chance to hang out with all my dear friends during this 1 month break.

Then my grandpa...although it was a scary time for my mum and her siblings, his hypoglycemic episode which actually made him comatosed somehow caused him to give up the sleeping tablets which we were all so concerned about coz he was addicted to it. Finally!! And after 2nd opinion with one of the top has a good prognosis and recovery should go well coz his cancer's at an early stage. There is Hope!! They were all blessings in disguise..although it hasnt been totally resolved yet. BUT...we have Hope!!

With all these blessings poured upon me and my can I not start to heal spiritually?? I mean God is so Awesome!! So what if I was burnt out??He has blessed me with a great rest... helped me pass my toughest exam ever and gave my family and I hope that my grandpa can recover.

I now feel like the luckiest person ever...I just hope that now, I will have the strength and refreshed mind to face new challenges ahead at Seremban clinical school. All glory and praise goes to You...God Almighty!!

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