Wednesday, October 05, 2005

It's A BusY LiFe AGaiN!!

Everyone's been asking, how come its been so long since you've updated your blog?
Well...its becoz I've been busy trying to adjust being back in uni again..
After giving up playing the organ and piano for church service, I took up leading MYF small group. Plus, I'm also a CG leader for the new semester students in uni.
Its a really new thing I'm venturing into, but its something I always wanted to do but just cant commit my time. Now, I've decided that I'll make the time and commit 100% in both. But it isnt as easy as it seems. Nevertheless, I know that it's not by my own strength but in God's only can I cope with everything.
A so called honeymoon semester as many call it, but too me, its a period of adjustment. And these periods are the toughest times of all. You'll feel that you're no where, wondering what lies ahead, wondering whether you'll be able to handle the challenges up ahead.
Having these thoughts aren't so bad, coz it keeps you on the alert and prevents you from being complacent but it shouldnt be allowed to turn into insecurities.
No matter what, in the end it's always God's promise that He'll be with me through everything that counts most. I'm glad that I have that to carry with me through every challenge or problem that I have faced and am facing.

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