Sunday, October 01, 2006

Home Is Where The Heart Is...

Today, my family had a thanksgiving dinner to celebrate my grandpa although was a Chinese one but so wat??Its thanksgiving!! His stomach CA was totally cleared by surgery...doc confirmed that it was only at the surface and although we delayed it for 2 months, my grandpa's already fully healed from surgery in less than a week. Amazing!! Praise God!! Never failed to answer my prayers...

Its already been a month since I moved in to my Seremban house. It the 1st time in my entire life I moved out from home although yea...I still go home and get to see my family on weekends. Ever since I've been in Seremban, home back in KL is such a treasure to me. When Thursday heart wants to fly home as soon as possible. But once I'm home on Friday, Sunday appears in an instant flash and I have to drag my 2 feet back to Seremban.

In Seremban, I'm totally on my own. Although yes, I have housemates but...the warmth of my home...the security..."comfyness" of being in my familiar surrounding...just the presence of my family members whom I'm so used to having around is missing!! These were the things I took for granted before, but now...its something I treasure and look forward to a lot. I thought I was prepared. And physically I was!! My mum made sure I had everything. But like we always say... in life we can't have everything and I'm still lucky coz I still get to see my family each week unlike people overseas studying. But, its trully been a challenge for me.

I'm still learning to be strong on my take care of myself both physically and mentally. So far I'm making progress, but its just so hard to push myself to go back to Seremban after returning home on weekends. It's a new week tomorrow...looking forward for Friday to come!!

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