Wednesday, November 01, 2006

My FaB 21st...

I never thought or wanted my 21st birthday to be such a big deal. Although I do admit that when I was younger and watched friends older than me celebrating theirs with great parties, I wished I had one like that. But when it came to my turn...the feeling was gone. In fact, I didnt want anything out of it. All I want was a simple dinner with my family members and mayb later celebrate in a small scale with my friends.

But...I had the best birthday ever. It was way beyond what I expected.
To start, I had 3 birthday cakes. First was with my church youth friends...which was super fun as I celebrated with all the other October and November babies...

Then the highlight of my day, the dinner I had with my family. I called both my grandpas and my mum's siblings (all my aunts and uncles coz we usually hav dinner together on saturdays anyway). As most of you know, my grandpa (mum's dad) recovered from cancer not to long ago and has been having chronic back pain...was willing to stay awake (he usually sleeps by 6pm everyday), wear his best suit (he hardly dresses up, even when we go out for meals..he still wears his pyjamas) which he made my aunt prepare way before earlier in the day and join me and the rest of my family for dinner. Everyone, not only myself was so shocked and amazed with the effort he put in just to celebrate my 21st with me. My grandpa was never an affectionate person...but to see him making such an effort is so very rare although it may seem little.

What more can I ask for?? It definitely beats any birthday present or party I can ever throw. It was such a valuable moment which I hope I shall never ever forget or take for granted.

Furthermore, I had a bonus!! A 3rd celebration in Seremban!! My housemates and friends (Christabel, Iona, Baxter, Bee Yan, Johan and Nisha) surprised me with a beautiful jelly-like cake. Total of 3 celebrations on my 21st bday...what can beat that??

God never fail to amaze me as I grow and reach different phases of my life. Blessings that He gives are never limited but more than we can ever expect or imagine. What more can I ask for??

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